You’re Pregnant…Now What? First Trimester Tips
What I’ve learned so far during pregnancy is you do a lot of flying by the seat of your pants…you figure things out as you go. I’ve relied heavily on advice from others and pregnancy apps like the Bump and Ovia for more tips and pics as I work my way through pregnancy. But there are a few things I figured out on my own after a few trial and error moments. After you have met with your doctor and started prenatal vitamins…here are my top 5 first trimester tips (weeks 2-12):
BE PATIENT: The 1st trimester seems to drag on forever. After the initial shock wore off, I was so excited to share the news that I was pregnant, but I had to keep it a HUGE secret for a while..and I hate secrets! The reality is, this trimester is very delicate and the chance of a miscarriage is highest during the early stages. My advice to you is be patient. Don’t get lost in thinking about what could happen, or try to speed up time. Let your body do its thing…I have a new appreciation for my body. It’s amazing. Your baby bump will be popping out in no time…just be patient!
EAT HEALTHY(-ish, at least): This, I did not do very well. I gained 10 pounds during the first trimester, and if I could hit rewind and do it all over again, I’d resist my hormone-induced cravings for sweets and eat more veggies. You are going to eat more, just be cautious because you will be gaining weight (lots of weight) from here on out. Take my word for it!
You are going to be tired during the 1st trimester, and you might be really sick too. Fortunately, I didn’t have any morning sickness…but what I lacked in that area, I made up for in fatigue. There were days I was so exhausted I couldn’t find the strength to do anything but lay on the couch. To help motivate me to move, my husband got me a FitBit Alta. It was the BEST PURCHASE SO FAR IN THIS PREGNANCY!! It keeps track with your daily steps. It also has an awesome app that syncs your FitBit to your phone. I started at 5,000 steps a day, just to keep me moving a little…and now in my 3rd trimester I’m up to 7,000 a day (not the recommended 10k, but it is better than nothing). The fact is, your body is making a baby. It is exhausting. But making yourself do a little daily walking helps burn a few extra calories and keep your heart strong.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (5th Edition). It’s easy to understand and guides you through month my month.
IF YOU ARE A STOMACH SLEEPER, ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN! There will come a point later in pregnancy, were sleeping becomes an uncomfortable task. Enjoy sleeping on your stomach because in a couple months, the only stomach sleeping you will be doing is in your dreams! It really is something I miss…sleeping on my side just doesn’t cut it, but that’s the safest way to sleep later in pregnancy.
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