A Personable Pregnancy Announcement
When the time (finally) came and I was 13 weeks along and it was time to announce the pregnancy, I wanted to make sure the pregnancy announcement was extra special. Instead of just posting to Facebook, I took the more traditional route: sending cards in the mail. This makes the pregnancy announcement so much more personable and special. Since we were breaking the big baby news around the Holidays, we decided to have our announcement double as our Christmas card.
For the picture, we decided Jackson Square in the French Quarter with the St Louis Cathedral as our backdrop would be the best location. Lon and I had a random person we saw taking pictures to be our “official photographer” and take our photo. It turned out great! It looked so professional and it didn’t cost a penny!
When it was time to put the card together, I used Minted. I find that site to have the best templates that can be customized and the highest quality paper for the price. I didn’t want it to look too cheesy, but I wanted to include a cute and catchy holiday phrase to make the announcement. So I took a play on words with the saying, “Peace, Love and Joy” and changed it to: “Peace, Love and a bundle of Joy” with the arrival date to follow. It turned out adorable and it was a hit!
We purchased 100 cards for around $170. That included printed return address on the envelopes. After we mailed the cards out to our family and friends, we made the announcement on social media. It was a special time for sure!