Audubon Park Stroll with Sleeping Tour Guide, Kennedy
Hello! My name is Kennedy. I am 4 months old, and I’ll be your special tour guide for this blog post of Audubon Park! Now that it is a little cooler, I hang out here with my mom, the creator of Southern Chick Journal, all the time. Hope you enjoy my tour! I sure am starting to get tired though….
I love hanging out with my mom. Today we are at Audubon Park in Uptown, New Orleans. There’s a paved walking path around the park almost two-miles long with many pretty sites and sounds along the way. We just arrived, which is my cue to fall asleep and miss it all! But it’s ok, I’ll give you the tour while I’m sleeping (I’m a great multi-tasker like my mom and dad)!
There are many beautiful statues and flower gardens tucked away throughout the park. Here is one at the entrance. I’m told it is very pretty.
You can find many great spots to sit on a bench and watch the day go by! Did you see that beautiful swan? I didn’t either.
The oak trees, so I’ve heard, are mighty and majestic! You can always find a nice shady spot to rest your eyes under one!
Hold on, let me rest a minute before we finish the tour….
Ok, I feel more rested to continue. The ducks love hanging out under this willow tree. Maybe I will one day too!
And of course we can’t forget about all the beautiful southern homes that line the park on Exposition Blvd. Wish I was awake to see them!
Another pretty house I wasn’t awake to see.
Hope you enjoyed my tour of Audubon Park! Time to go home and wake up!
(And that is just what she did)
Special thanks to Kennedy for the wonderful sleepy tour of Audubon Park! Where will she go next? Maybe New Orleans City Park!
One Comment
Geri Campbell
Thank you Kennedy for the wonderful tour❤️