Does DermaWand Turn Back the Hands of Time? Product Spotlight
UPDATE: I’ve had the DermaWand for a couple months now and use it every night and a couple mornings too during the week. My skin looks awesome!! Skin is tighter, pores are smaller, wrinkles are smoother. I LOVE my DermaWand! The lotions are great too and have helped drastically improve my skin.
I’ve heard of the DermaWand before and was always impressed with the before and after photos. This beauty product stimulates your skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So when I had the opportunity to try out this miracle wand, I was super excited!
How does it work? According to the website: DermaWand® uses the same technology as the big radio frequency machines that doctors and medical specialists use for treatments to help manage the signs of premature aging. The difference: DermaWand® uses lower amplitude that’s perfect for everyday in-home use. Like the big machines, DermaWand® provides instant stimulation, thereby providing a massage effect while at the same time delivering thermal energy and enriched oxygen. The results – younger looking skin with only 2 three minute treatments a day. Best of all, you can do it in the comfort of your own home at a fraction of the cost of going to a doctor!
Read my full review on the DermaWand here:
After using the DermaWand and the recommended lotions for only a week, I definitely noticed tighter skin. I can’t wait to see my results after using it for a month!
What I love best about this is each session lasts less than 10 minutes, so you don’t have to devote much time to turn back the hands of time on your face and neck!
-Keep the red “CAP” sticker on the cap so you can keep track of it better
-Make sure you reapply lotion to your face throughout the treatment so the DermaWand moves freely and smoothly.
-If you don’t buy the DermaVital lotion package, I recommend using a good gel hydrating lotions and don’t rub it all the way in during treatment. leave it on your skin and let the DermaWand glide over it for reasons above.
-Apply plenty of lotion after so your skin does not dry out.
-Always unplug the DermaWand when finished and wipe off the tip before applying the cap and putting it in storage.
-Start on level 1 or 2 when you first try and work your way up.
-Of course, read the instructions before use and enjoy!
You can purchase the DermaWand here
***All skin types are different and this review is based on my experience alone with DermaWand***
**This is a Southern Chick Journal collaboration with DermaWand, who provided me the products for this product spotlight *****
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