We are all unique and that goes for our pregnancy experience too. For inspiration, I reached out to 30 women from around the world for a picture of them at 30 weeks pregnant. I wanted to show how different we can all look (and feel) at the exact same time in pregnancy. I rounded up 30 baby bumps at 30 weeks and the comparisons are wonderful and unique!
Every bump and every body is different. There is no right or wrong way to look during these important 9 months of your life and these photos are here to serve as inspiration. We are all beautiful!
Big thanks to all these gorgeous moms for helping with this post (make sure to read the captions on what they said about their bumps). We rock…and so do our baby bumps!
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“I like that it catches all my crumbs!” – @erica_luna, Mexico City, Mexico
“My favorite thing is watching her kick. It looks like something out of Alien but it’s so cute to me!” –@anniesell
“I have triplet boys – they are miracle babies from IUI with PCOS infertility, We have had an amazing pregnancy experience and now have easy babies.” @kaylaannwallace
“I love how small and cute it is and how amazing being pregnant makes me feel. I know I’m lucky as many women don’t feel like that.” — @burnsy28a
“My favorite thing is that my bump keeps me company.” @wellerthanever
“I like that my baby is growing and healthy, but I haven’t gained any additional weight, as that would not be good for me or the baby. I’m also thankful to be an overweight mom-to-be who does not have gestational diabetes, which is outside the norm.” – @kalynrosemoore
“I love the most when I can feel him kicking inside me. It’s magical what the female body can do.” — @Mrs.Boji, Hamburg, Germany (photo: @babyfoto_Bergedorf)
“What I liked best about my bump was having him in there! I miss it!” – @lexicallison
“What do I like best about my bump? That it’s not permanent!” – @misty_ann_b
“I like that I’m showing enough now that my pregnancy is noticeable to people. The feeling of the baby moving inside is incredible and one I always miss after I have the baby.” @jessica_rabbit25
Maria, California, @mafer_po
“My favorite thing about my bump would be feeling him kick all the time. We even play games back and forth where I push a little on my belly and he pushes back!” @slightlysleepysilly
“What do I like about my bump: Not much as it’s super uncomfortable. It’s nice and high.” @mermaidmarike
“I love that I can watch it grow, knowing that my little girl is in there.” – @jillybear1994
“I like watching my ever-growing bump and knowing I am helping another life grow inside me..it’s magical!” Chriss , New Orleans @southernChickjournal @ChrissKnight
“I like that my bump is really round and our girls love to hug and talk to their brother!” — @mrs_bartlett
“With Owen I loved that I was pregnant with a sweet boy and was just so thankful to be carrying him after all we went through.” – Jenn
“I like knowing that my bump is growing because baby is growing and it means he will be here soon!” Whitney @wanaynay88
“My favorite part of the bump was how much nicer people were to me!” – Jessica
“The only thing I liked about my bump is that it distracted from my ass.” @annecutler, New Orleans, LA
“Definitely the most humbling and difficult thing I have ever done.” – Charlotte Akinkugbe
“I miss my bump sooo much!” @hbaudier
“I’ve never loved my body or felt as beautiful as I do now. The bump is so beautiful because it is filled with a little life that is growing and was created in love. It makes me a little more clumsy than I’ve ever been in my life but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” — @gratefully_fit
“I love feeling the kicks.” – @amychristinehair, California
“I never imagined loving my bump so much and I definitely didn’t think I would miss it. I think it’s the mystery of what this little man would look like, how he’d sound or when he would begin reaching up at me. Funny how the bump grows on you. ” – Vanessa @vanessabolanogonzalez, Miami, FL
“It’s definitely the most empowering, selfless few months of my life.” (pregnant with twin boys) @vanessabolanogonzalez, Miami, FL
“I liked knowing she was happy by feeling her turns and twists.” Jessica
“Things I like about my bump: Still have an innie, seeing my tattoos get huge, but mostly I just love feeling him wiggle around in there.” – Joy @wonderjoi
“Best part about my bump is watching her move!” @daizileigh
What I liked best about my bump: No stretch marks! — @rachelmckenzie34
Thank you again to all who shared their beautiful photos for this post!