Pointers from Parents: Third Trimester Advice
As I enter into the 3rd, and final, trimester of my pregnancy, I want to be as prepared as possible. I know I’m going to gain more weight and I know I’m going to be uncomfortable in general, and, most importantly, our little chick will enter the world at the end of this trimester (yay!)…but what else can I expect??
I turned to my friends on Facebook for advice…and the motherly wisdom poured in! The responses were so helpful and appreciated I had to share. I found a recurring theme and bundled them together into 5 groups:
“Have some date nights. Complete a couple tasks while you can still move.” – Jessica
“Date nights. You’ll find that the exhaustion is plentiful. Sleep as much as you can. I can’t stress that enough. Take some time for yourself too. You’ll find yourself completely obsessed with this new life and yourself care will be suffering.” – Ashley
“I really loved the 3rd trimester. I did get heartburn towards the end. Go on dates & start looking for a good nanny if you haven’t already. A postpartum doula may be helpful (I wish I did that)” – Holly
“Hit the movie theater if you are into that kind of thing. That won’t even be an option for a long, long time unless you pay a sitter.” – Meghan
“Date nights, a chiropractor will help so much with any discomfort and just ENJOY!! It’s such special and fleeting time.” – Whitney
“Dates- yes. And don’t forget breakfast out too!” – Mandy
“Start painting the nursery!!” – Ray
“Hire (or beg) someone to really clean your house toward the very end of your pregnancy. It will make you feel more relaxed.
For the heartburn, drink a little red grape juice at night, eat tums, and sleep a bit propped up. I always have heartburn in pregnancy and these things help a bit.” – Myriah
CATCH SOME ZZZ’S (while you can!):
“SLEEP!!! (if you can get comfy enough)” – Lindsey
“SLEEP!!!” – Audra
“Sleep all you can!!” – Pam
“Cherish & get as much sleep as you can now…Bc once the baby comes, it’s a sleep game changer.” – Tara
“Just relax as much as you can!” – Heather
“Get a maternity massage!! I loved those when prego! You look amazing” – Kristin
“Soak up and enjoy alone time in your house. You have no idea how much I miss being alone and binge watching a guilty pleasure without interruption. 🙂 I had really bad headaches and some other weird stuff in my last trimester and it sometimes hurt to walk. I wish I had good advice for coping with the less-fun parts of pregnancy….fortunately, pregnancy isn’t permanent!!” – Amanda
“Keep your feet elevated whenever sit down.” – Susan (aka my mother-in-law)
“Keep your feet up and relax!” –Shawn (aka my mom)
THANK YOU to all the moms and dads who gave me some pointers! I hope these tips help you as much as they have helped me.
Got advice? Post in the comment section and share your wisdom!
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